Qmi_quectel with 2 modems

Hi everyone,

I want to plug 2 modems at my raspberrypi, and dedicate wwan0 to the 5G modem (RM502), and the wwan1 to the 4G modem (EC25). Is that possible and if yes, I would be thankful for any insights.

Thanks in advance.

Dear @alohomora
Did you establish two dail-up? Could you give us more information of your scenario?


I have a RaPi and I want to measure serving cell using 2 different modems (5G and 4G). I set up the 5G modem to use the usb interfaces ttyUSB0-ttyUSB3 and the 4G modem to use the interfaces ttyUSB4-ttyUSB7.

Measuring Serving Cell using the 5G modem works fine, however measuring this KPI parallel using ttyUSB2 and ttyUSB6 does not work. The second AT port returns “unclean” data. Sample return values:

5G Modem (RM502Q) using AT Port ttyUSB2

echo “AT+QENG="servingcell"” | /srv/bin/atinout//atinout - /dev/ttyUSB2 -
+QENG: “servingcell”,“NOCONN”
+QENG: “LTE”,“FDD”,262,03,1917325,418,300,1,5,5,C94D,-102,-7,-75,19,0,-32768,21

4G Modem (EC25) using AT Port ttyUSB6

echo “AT+QENG="servingcell"” | /srv/bin/atinout//atinout - /dev/ttyUSB6 -

I appreciate the help. Thank you so much in advance.