QMI Network Scan with Signal Information

I’m looking to try and get signal information about other networks visible in a scan via Ofono, via the QMI interface. Is there any support for this?

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Hello seimon, thanks for your question
You can use QMI_NAS_CONFIG_SIG_INFO2 QMI message query signal information, thank you.

Hello Duncan, I’m looking for signal information about other (neighbour) networks - as listed in a scan. Is this the correct command, or does it only give information for the currently registered network?
Thank you.

Hi, seimon
This is QMI message, you can get the signal information for the currently registered and neigbour registered, thank you.

Thanks for confirming Duncan, this command sounds ideal.
But I can’t find out any information about it - it doesn’t seem to be supported in libqmi/qmicli at the moment. What do you suggest is the best way to try out this QMI_NAS_CONFIG_SIG_INFO2 message?
Thanks again.

Hi Duncan, can you help out with further information about QMI_NAS_CONFIG_SIG_INFO2? It doesn’t seem to be mentioned on the whole of the internet! :slight_smile: