QFlash vs QFirehose

I’ve been exploring the tools available to upgrade the firmware on the modems. I have an EG25-G and I was able to get mine upgraded using the r00ter firmware which has the qfirehose package built in, but is version 1.4.9. Can I get a newer version to try building a package with?

Someone has created a Makefile for OpenWRT here that I was going to try using the new version to make it with.

I also found GitHub - ekawahyu/QFlash_Linux_Android which seems to be a version of QFlash v2.0 that someone has made available for folks to build.

My main quesiton is what’s the difference between QFlash and QFirehose on Linux?

QFlash for Linux is obsoleted. Please use the QFirehose.

Oh, thank you for the information.

Could you let me know where to find the latest version of QFirehose then?


If you just use the EG25G, you don’t need the lastest QFirehose.
The 1.4.9 is enough.
The lastest QFirehose is for the lastest Quectel modem. It does not fix any bugs.

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