QFirehose tool for download


I need to upgrade a modem (BG95-M3) and need the flashing tool. Can you please provide me the software for me. I am runnig on Linux and therefore need the Linux version. For the Linux version I need the Qfirehose. Is that correct?

Br Thomas

Anybody have any comments to this?

I am doing anything wrong since I get no reply on this message?

I have sent it to your email,pls check

Hello, I also need the Linux QFirehose. Can you send it to me too, please?

nippynetworks/qfirehose: Quectel qfirehose utility to upgrade modems using the firehose protocol (github.com)

Great, thanks!
And where can I find the latest firmware files to flash?

Which modem and what is the current firmware version?

I’ve since been told I’m already on the latest firmware. Thanks anyway. :+1: