Problemi con NTRIP

Hi, after various experiments and attempts I also managed to directly connect the LC29hea GPS module via Bluetooth. I had an HC05 module at home and I connected the RX and TX pins to the TX and RX of the GPS. I use the “gnss master” app (sw maps works too) which connects quickly with data display. However, I have this problem: I always remain in “single” mode!
I tried outdoors and changed the mount point among those available on the free regional network of the Lombardy region (Italy) but without success. With the GPS connected to the laptop and with the “qgnss” software, however, when I activate NTRIP, I immediately go from single to “float” mode and after a while also to “fix” mode.
Can you give me a suggestion to resolve this last aspect!?
Sorry for the language not always understandable but I used Google translator because unfortunately I only know Italian.
Thank you
TRIS_Nuovo documento RTF.pdf (298.1 KB)

Hi @falajons
What RTCM data format does the network mount point in the free zone(Lombardy region) support?
RTCM3.3? MSM4? Or other MSM types?