We are testing power saving mode with BG96/BG95:
However after active time expiry the device enters in PSM mode.
Expectations are that it will exit from PSM when periodic timer expire and will send TAU Request.
Unfortunately every time the device exits with Attach Request instead of TAU Request.
The device is directly connected to a laptop with USB.
The at command sequence is below.
Any advise is appreciated.
[13:14:06.070] AT+COPS?
[13:14:06.070] +COPS: 1,2,“xxxxxx”,9
[13:14:06.070] OK
[13:14:23.991] AT+QPSMEXTCFG=14,2,120,5,120,3
[13:14:24.004] AT+QPSMEXTCFG=14,2,120,5,120,3
[13:14:24.004] OK
[13:14:34.210] AT+QPSMCFG=60,4
[13:14:34.234] AT+QPSMCFG=60,4
[13:14:34.234] OK
[13:14:41.365] AT+QCFG=“psm/urc”,1
[13:14:41.378] AT+QCFG=“psm/urc”,1
[13:14:41.378] OK
[13:14:52.008] AT+CEREG=4
[13:14:52.021] AT+CEREG=4
[13:14:52.021] OK
[13:15:07.823] AT+CPSMS=1,“10101010”,“00100101”
[13:15:07.837] AT+CPSMS=1,“10101010”,“00100101”
[13:15:07.837] OK
[13:15:09.259] +CEREG: 1,“2337”,“75B”,9,“00100101”,“10010100”
[13:15:09.368] +QPSMTIMER: 600,300
[13:15:21.816] AT+CEREG?
[13:15:21.830] AT+CEREG?
[13:15:21.830] +CEREG: 4,1,“2337”,“75B”,9,“00100101”,“10010100”
[13:15:21.830] OK
[13:15:39.436] AT+cpsms?
[13:15:39.445] AT+cpsms?
[13:15:39.445] +CPSMS: 1,“10010100”,“00100101”
[13:15:39.445] OK
[13:15:47.193] at+qpsms?
[13:15:47.206] at+qpsms?
[13:15:47.206] +QPSMS: 1,“600”,“300”
[13:15:47.206] OK
[13:15:55.709] at+cops?
[13:15:55.722] at+cops?
[13:15:55.722] +cops: 1,2,“xxxxx”,9
[13:15:55.722] OK