Port forwarding on Quectel RM520N-GL


I am using RM520N-GL in a project where where I need a device to be accessible from the internet via Dynamic DNS server (which connects a domain name to my public IP address). Currently my IP is not static, but I am hoping DDNS will do the trick. The problem is that I don’t find a way to forward the ports to the right devices.

My setup-up connects the RM520N-GL device via ethernet to a router via WAN port. The router does not see the public IP address but only the following address:

Is there a way to expose the public IP address to the router directly (instead of a subnet)?
Alternatively specific port forwarding, DMZ or even UPNP would be possible to set on the Quectel device?

Thanks a lot for your help,

What is it exactly?
What mode is the modem in?

The adapter is a 5G M.2 to RJ45, like this one: bit.ly/43UOTg2
Which mode are you referring to? if you can send me the AT commands to check what mode is being used, I can send you the output here.
Should I run " AT+QCFG=“usbnet”?

See Can't place RM520 in IP Passthrough (IPPT) mode
You are in Ethernet mode too, so it should be no difference.

I am currently in QMI mode (+QCFG: “usbnet”,0)

Are you saying the solution is the suggested command at+qmap=“mpdn_rule”,0,1,0,1,1,“FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” ?

Can I do this while in QMI mode?

You’re not reading… You are in Ethernet mode, usbnet is irrelevant as you’re not using USB.

All right, I see!
But I don’t know how to adjust the IPPT mode value. It’s a bit beyond my current knowledge of quectel.
Should I still use the same command: at+qmap=“mpdn_rule”,0,1,0,1,1,“FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF”?
Or if you know the correct command for ethernet mode I will be very thankful.

My mistake, I must have mixed up two similar topics that I read recently. You can probably take the command as it is, but type " symbols manually, don’t copy paste.

All right. I have just tried and it seems to work fine.
Now I get a different IP on my router, via the WAN port, but it is still not my public internet IP address.
I guess this must a subnet of the 5G provider… So somehow, I went back to the same problem.
I wonder if there is a way to make an IP passthrough of the real public IP, or if now it is a matter of creating some port forwarding on the RM520N-GL module

Do you have any proof that your provider gives you a public IP?

No, I don’t. I just assumed they did, because where I used to live I always got public IPs. Here in Portugal it seems like a different story.
That’s running my plans… =(

Most of the clients are behind CGNAT these days.