Dear Quectel,
As the titel sais, some time ago my board arived, and i can not get any better results. It is a MR5210 5gto2.5gb/s from MCUzone and the max speed I get is 30mb/s. Do I need firmware or are there any setting , I have overlooked?
Thanx in advance.
Btw. Iam using a 5g nano sim
Can I have Firmware for the RM520N-GL 5G , and qflash and qnavigator, is all i need?
Did you get better performance?
I have the same issue but worse (my top speed is 21Mbps).
I have upgraded the antennae that came with the MR5210 board, and those help a bit with stability, but the top speed did not improve.
Does anybody bought this one?
Network speed performance is a complex topic. Factors such as 5G antennas, SIM card plans, signal quality, the drivers of modules and their host machines, and CPU performance can all affect it. Moreover, when using speedtest for speed measurement, the chosen test node can also impact the results.
I bought that MR5210 (V2) board just a few days ago. It should come in the mail next week.