pfSense NID change w/ EP06

Dear Forum!
I am struggling w/ the EP06-E, Firmware Revision: EP06ELAR03A08M4G.
What happened:
pfSense (FreeBSD) generates after a powerfail/hard reboot a new “Netgate device ID” which makes it impossible to Update the device, since my payed support plan depends on that NID and the MAC Address of the “USB-Ethernet” device changes after every cold start. The NID changes, because its generated from the MAC Addresses of the Firewall interfaces.
I tried to change the “usbnet” parameters to ppp but only got an error at that command (AT+QCFG=“usbnet”,0, connected from a pfSense shell w/, as root, “cu -l /dev/ttyU0.3”.

Any ideas are appriciated!!

Kind Regards

Dear forum!
This problem could be solved.
See post " Quectel EP06-E LTE Module changes pfSense+ NID" at the Netgate Forum.

Kind regards

LOL. That is not a solution. There is absolutely no need in using PPP on modern modems in 2024.
You should keep using the modem in ECM mode (as pfSense/FreeBSD don’t have support for proper modes like MBIM and QMI).
pfSense should not take removable interfaces into consideration when they calculate their ID. That was already asked here.

Well , agree. But: There is only one dead you can to die ;-). Unless that requested feature isn’t implemented on pfSense+, I am OK w/ that solution, since that’s only the backup line in my case.
Anyway: It would be great by quectel to update the AT-Commands documentation along with the firmware… Compare the docs with, i.E., the output of “AT-QCFG=?”.

I would try setting the MAC to some fixed value on every boot:
ifconfig ue0 ether de:ad:be:ef:fe:ed

That needs to be done before gnid tool is called on startup.

Well, thats an idea, but with some caveats:
If you want to distribute that, lets say on 15-20 boxes, you may have to touch every single device, test, reboot it and so on after each update. Too much administrative work.
May you should tell that Netgate ? :wink: