One minute after entering sleep mode, BG96 suddenly becomes “NO_SRV”

Hello I need your help.
One minute after entering sleep mode, BG96 suddenly becomes “NO_SRV”.

  1. modem version
    2023/11/8 4:44:32 ATI\r\r\n
    2023/11/8 4:44:32 Quectel\r\n
    2023/11/8 4:44:32 BG96\r\n
    2023/11/8 4:44:32 Revision: BG96MAR04A04M1G\r\n

  2. After turning on the power, SIM, network connection, TCP connection and all communications are all normal.
    (Please refer to the attached log)

  3. DTR is open, after sending the “AT+QSCLK=1” command, it enters sleep mode and consumes less than 6mA of current for 1 minute.
    And at this time, everything is normal according to the QCOM command below.
    +QSCLK: 1
    +QCDS: “SRV”,“CAT-M”,45005,2500,95107,R13,3,322,6402,-41,-69,-9,3,64,CBF00BF5,0,0
    +QCSQ: “CAT-M1”,-49,-72,195,-7
    +CSQ: 31,99

  4. About 1 minute after entering sleep, the current suddenly increases to 30mA, and when the following command is given using QCOM,
    the network status becomes “NO_SRV”. This state lasts for exactly 30 minutes.
    +QSCLK: 1
    +QCDS: “NO_SRV”
    +QCSQ: “CAT-M1”,0,-140,240,-3
    +CSQ: 99,99

  5. After 30 minutes of “NO_SRV”, the current suddenly drops to 6 mA and the network state switches to “SRV”.
    +QSCLK: 1
    +QCDS: “SRV”,“CAT-M”,45005,2500,95107,R13,3,322,6402,-41,-69,-9,3,64,CBF00BF5,0,0
    +QCSQ: “CAT-M1”,-49,-72,195,-7
    +CSQ: 31,99

  6. “NO_SRV” does not change even when waking up from sleep.
    When I reset the power again, everything appears to be normal and the signal strength appears to be normal.
    DTR, Reset, Powerkey, and power all appear normal when checked.
    I would like to know why 30min “NO_SRV” may occur after entering sleep.
    And if you have any commands for further analysis, please let me know.
    This is a scenario that recurs all the time.

2023/11/8 4:44:27 AT+IPR=921600\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:27 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 ATV1\rATV1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 ATE0\rATE0\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CMEE=2\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QURCCFG=“urcport”,“uart1”\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 ATI\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 Quectel\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 BG96\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 Revision: BG96MAR04A04M1G\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QICFG=“recvind”,1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CEREG=1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QINDCFG=“all”,1,0\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QSIMSTAT=1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QSIMSTAT?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +QSIMSTAT: 1,1\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+GSN\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 862255064744607\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CIMI\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 234500028316504\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QCCID\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +QCCID: 8910390000026534917F\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QNWINFO\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +QNWINFO: “CAT-M1”,“45005”,“LTE BAND 5”,2500\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CSQ\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +CSQ: 31,99\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QICSGP=1,3,“”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CEREG?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +CEREG: 1,5\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+COPS?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +COPS: 0,0,“SKTelecom IoT eSim”,8\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QCSQ\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +QCSQ: “CAT-M1”,-45,-69,213,-8\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+CSQ\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +CSQ: 31,99\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 AT+QLTS=2\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 +QLTS: “2023/11/08,13:44:33+36,0”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:32 OK\r\n
1699418673 Modem time
1699418673 System time
1699418673 Modem time
1699418673 System time
set time
2023/11/8 4:44:35 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 AT+QCSQ\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 +QCSQ: “CAT-M1”,-45,-69,205,-8\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 AT+QIACT=1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:36 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QIACT?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 +QIACT: 1,1,1,“”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QISTATE=1,2\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QISTATE=1,2\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QIOPEN=1,2,“TCP LISTENER”,“”,0,1123\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 +QIOPEN: 2,0\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QISTATE=1,0\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 AT+QIOPEN=1,0,“TCP”,“”,1883\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:37 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 +QIOPEN:AT+QISTATE=1,0\r 0,0\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 +QISTATE: 0,“TCP”,“”,1883,11917,2,1,0,0,“uart1”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 AT+QISTATE=1,2\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 +QISTATE: 2,“TCP LISTENER”,“”,0,1123,3,1,2,0,“uart1”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 AT+QISTATE=1,0\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 +QISTATE: 0,“TCP”,“”,1883,11917,2,1,0,0,“uart1”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:39 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 AT+QIACT?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 +QIACT: 1,1,1,“”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 AT+QISEND=0,50\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 >0x10 00x00 0x04 MQTT0x04 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 5PNS00310x00 0x0C viewcar_demo0x00 0x0C lte_demo_123 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:44:40 SEND OK\r\n

2023/11/8 4:46:15 AT+QISTATE=1,0\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:15 +QISTATE: 0,“TCP”,“”,1883,11917,2,1,0,0,“uart1”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:15 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:15 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 AT+QISTATE=1,2\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 +QISTATE: 2,“TCP LISTENER”,“”,0,1123,3,1,2,0,“uart1”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 AT+QIACT?\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 +QIACT: 1,1,1,“”\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:16 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:17 AT+CSQ\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:17 +CSQ: 31,99\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:17 \r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:17 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:18 AT+QICLOSE=0,1\rAT+QICLOSE=0,1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:19 OK\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:19 AT+QSCLK=1\r\r\n
2023/11/8 4:46:19 OK\r\n

Hi @ikbumheo

Sorry for the late response. Have you connected USB ?

Hi Linkin-Q
I can reproduce it without USB connection.It seems unrelated to the USB connection.
But it seems to be related to sim. It is normal after registering a new sim without using used sim.Could you please explain why this can happen with the used sim that was used in the past?

Thank you

HI @ikbumheo

Are you using roaming SIM?

Yes We are using roaming SIM. Is this issue related to roaming sim??