OAI Testnetwork MCC=001


which numbers for MNC can I use with this MCC=001?
Is only MNC=01 valid or can I use any other number?
Are there any restrictions regarding RM510Q-GLHA R11A04M4G.

I tested with MNC=79 and it fails with my Quectel modem, while OAI UE works and both works with default MNC=01.

BR Matthias

Hi @QTELdev

It better to provided the mcc and mnc number, you find more in this link, MCC-MNC.net - Search Mobile Country Codes (MCC) and Mobile Network Codes (MNC)


MCC=001 MNC=01 is working
MCC=001 MNC=02 is working

MCC=001 MNC=79 is not working (why)

Dear @QTELdev
Only MNC-79 was not working, did you try others? Which instrument did you use?


I have a setup with Open Air Interface (softmodem gnB + softmodem UE).

So far I tried with 01,02 and 79. While OAI UE connects with 79, the quectel did not.
The reason was, that I tried to configure my setup away from the default settings.

Currently 02 works fine for my setup, I just asking myself, if there are restrictions in the MCC/MNC configuration in the quectel modem if MCC=001.

BR Matthias

Dear @QTELdev
It seems there are some configuration which didn’t work properly with module.