Hi Team,
We are using Quectel EM06-A module for LTE interface. We are facing problem to get LTE interface.
We are using quectel-pppd scripts to connect LTE interface.
I am attempting to connect using the Kajeet SIM card. I am trying to change APN settings by using below command:
- AT+QICSGP=1,1,“Kajeet”,“kajeet”,“”
Once above command is executed LTE interface is not coming up.
I am using context id 1 to set APN settings.
Also, I have tried below command to check activated context id:
+CGACT: 1,0
+CGACT: 2,0
+CGACT: 3,1
+CGACT: 4,0
It is showing activated context id is 3.
Is there any default context id settings where I need to apply new APN settings.
Is there any command sequence is necessary which I need to follow to get LTE interface up if I change any configurations?
Thank you…!!!
Shabana Mulani.