Noob needs help setting MVNO's APN for RM520N-GLAA to override SIM's APN

Hi, everyone!

I am a total newbie when it comes to Quectel and other cellular modems. Please be patient with me.

I bought a Quectel RM520N-GLAA in an M.2 Ethernet/USB enclosure, and while it works, it appears to currently be using the wrong APN (for T-Mobile) when it should be using a custom APN (for US Mobile, an MVNO reselling T-Mobile and Verizon service).

I have the full AT command guide but don’t really understand it. It doesn’t spell out in clear steps how to set the APN. Currently, the only command I understand the output for is AT+CGDCONT?, which shows contexts 1 through 6, all of which have APN values that are not correct. I assume it is using cid 1, which does have a T-Mobile APN set there.

If I try to use the AT+CGDCONT=1,… command, it always says ERROR, even if I copy and paste the exact output for cid 1 shown when I run AT+CGDCONT?, with only the APN string changed.

I’ve searched the web and found some short discussions on setting the APN, but they seem to use AT commands that are for other models of modem and that are not available on the RG520N-GL. From what I can tell, there are two or three different ways to set an APN. I’d like to use the simplest method or the one closest to the factory default configuration.

Any help would be appreciated, especially an explanation of the theory behind the commands I should use.

Thanks in advance!