Need MC60E-CA-04-BLE latest firmware

Hi , Everybody
I miss wrote MC60 firmware on MC60E .
can anyone suggest me how i can download MC60E-CA-04-BLE latest firmware?

hi, Amir_Zendehdel:
please download accord to the link:

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Thanks a lot

is this FW working with TLS v1.2?

Sorry, no TLS guidance found

thank you

Hi,Dear Herbert
I were checking this version you sent me, its not working with OPENCPU function
I need MC20-BLE and MC60 BLE Firmware too.
many thanks

Do you plan to upgrade your current firmware version? Please provide your current version(query at command >> ATI)

We are using OPENCPU , its solved
our mistake were we compiled with normal MC60 SDK , when using MC60E SDK , problem solved
But Please send me MC20-BLE Firmware and SDK too.
thank you.

Sorry, I did not find the firmware you need, please describe your requirements and send email to

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okay dear
Thank you

hi iam need frimware mc60 ca

I have the same issue. But am unable to download the firmware from the link is there a different link I can use to download the firmware?

  • Please provide your current firmware version

I accidently wrote mc60 A15 firmware on m60e so my ble commands dont work.And the link you have sent earlier is not working.
Could you send me the latast firmware for mc60ecb-04-ble?

And can I ask what is the latest SDK version for mc60e module?
And if there is any sdk later than 1.7 version, could you send it please.
Thank you.