Need help to install RM530 connected to a Waveshare 5G Pi4 Hat on Ubuntu 22.04

I have invested many hours trying to setup the RM530 module on Ubuntu 22.04 without any success.
lsusb show the Quectel module, and ls /dev/ttyUSB* list ttyUSB0…3
None of the usbnet options work (0,1,2,3).
I also tried DIP tools from this page from waveshare wiki portal - PCIe_TO_4G/5G_M.2_USB3.2_HAT%2B#Introduction - for usbnet modes 0 and 2. Didn’t work :(.
SIM card is recognized on slot 1 and register in the network using AT+CGDCONT=1,“IPV4V6”,“orangeworld”
I tried the same module on a fresh installed Raspberry Pi OS (64bits) and the module was recognized as usb0 and I just had to purge modemmanager and network-manager then get ip and dns to make it work. Unfortunately I cannot use RPi OS as this RPi is controlling a robot running ROS2 and only Ubuntu 22.04 is supported.
Thank you.

I see.
Could you show me that

lsusb -t

If you can send the AT command , could you show me the result of the AT
