Need firmware for RM500Q-AE

I have sent it to your email,please check

I have sent it to your email,please check

Many thanks for your prompt reply !

Hi Herbert,
Can you send the latest firmware for RG500Q-EA?
My version is: RG500QEAAAR10A03M4G

I have sent it to your email,please check

Hi Herbert,
May I also get the latest firmware for RG500Q-EA? Current version is: RG500QEAAAR10A03M4G
Out of topic but can I also get the latest firmware for RG255C-GL if you have it?
Current is: RG255CGLABR01A04M4G and has trouble with 5G connections.

Thank you very much!

I have sent it to your email,please check


Hi Herbert,
May I also get the latest firmware for RG500Q-EA?
My Current version is:
Thank you very much!

I have sent it to your email,please check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Hi Herbert,

I am working with RM500QAE and would like to request updated firmware.
Thank you

Please provide your current detailed firmware version


(post deleted by author)

I have sent it to your email,please check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

1 Like

Hello, Iā€™d like latest firmware for RM500QGL.
current firmware:


for linux if possible

I have sent it to your email,please check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

@herbert.pan-Q I am currently running version RM500QAEAAR11A02M4G_01.007.01.007 of the firmware. Can I get a new version of the firmware?

I have sent it to your email,please check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Could you please send me the lastest firmwares for this module?
thank you very much, please send it to my email.

Current version:
Revision: RM500QAEAAR11A02M4G


Best Wish