Need a help for Setting up EC25 PCIe modem with i.MX8M Mini on Android 11


I’m trying to set up EC25 PCIe modem with i.MX8M Mini on Android 11. I used Digi’s iMX8M Mini development board and their Android 11 OS.

After installing Android I installed EC25 on PCIe interface. But Android doesn’t recognize the modem or the SIM card. But when I checked the console log I could see that the modem was detected. Simply it is not working.

So, my question is what should I do for EC25 to become alive? I need to have Voice call, SMS and data services using EC25.

  1. Do I need to install drivers?
  2. If so how to do that?
  3. Can I do that without building the entire OS? (Because I’m not good at OS build, no experience with it)

Please help me. Kindly look for your expert answer.

Thank You