this case not happen always
but whren it’s happen I have to reset the moduel then it’s work
if the MQTT identifier is occupied
I try try to close the network ,and to disconnect the channel
but it’s not work
I have to power off the module then turn it on
I use these commands
Open a Network for MQTT Client
uart_puts(UART_ID, broker);
uart_puts(UART_ID, "\",");
uart_puts(UART_ID, port);
uart_puts(UART_ID, "\r");
Close a Network for MQTT Client
duart_puts(UART_ID, "AT+QMTCLOSE=0\r");
Connect a Client to MQTT Server
sprintf(temp_buffer, "AT+QMTCONN=0,\"\"[,\"%s\"[,\"\"]]\r\n", Token);
uart_puts(UART_ID, temp_buffer);
Disconnect a Client to MQTT Server
uart_puts(UART_ID, "AT+QMTDISC=0\r");