MQTT Conection problems

I am evaluating the BG95 module for an application that communicates data over MQTT.
Currently I can publish MQTT messages with QoS=0 but I cannot publish with QoS=1 nor with QoS=2, the module only returns ERROR. Even if I use the command AT+CMEE=2 the response is the same. Also, when I query the connection status (AT+QMTCONN?) I always get +QMTCONN: 0,3.
The MQTT broker accepts QoS=2 messages.
The firmware version of the module is BG95M3LAR02A03_01.200.01.200.

I found the issue, when publish messages with QoS=2 you need a messageID different of 0

I am happy to hear that and could you please tell me do you still need help?