mPCIE EC25 modem not detected

Hey there,
I just got an mPCIE EC25 modem to install into my Thinkpad W530 (yes, yes, whitelist. I flashed 1vyrain), but neither Linux nor the BIOS, not even its own hardware diagnostics tool see the modem. At this point I’m wondering: is the modem dead?

Any idea how I could confirm if the modem is actually working? I don’t think I have any other device with an mpcie slot.

Should I give this a try?


The quick search result tells me that the WWAN module (i.e. the modem) should work in slot #2.
Can you boot Linux and check with cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices ?

if that shows basically the same as lsusb then this is a no.

I checked with the ivyrain developer and they weren’t sure why it wouldn’t work either.
I have also found a user that wanted to install the same modem into their thinkpad, and they were discussing an issue I haven’t thought of yet: Does the modem work purely off usb or is the usb interface solely for the serial interface?
If it’s just for the serial interface then this is a lost cause…


What are these pins for? After taping those over my modem is magically detected. This is not the first case of quectel modems not adhering to any standard mpcie pinout.

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