Mounting external NOR FLASH W25Q32JVSSIQ with Quectel EC200 UCN

I want to use USB to access the memory by MTP Media Transfer Protocol. I’m working with EC200U-CN modem and I need to access the external 4-wire NOR flash using file system through USB. It is getting mounted but the memory of NOR flash is displayed in negative values. I’m adding the snap of it for your reference. LTE01R03A05_C_SDK_U is the version of the SDK that I’m working with. May I know the reason for the negative values of the disk space and how to solve this issue and kindly help me to access external NOR flash and to use it for file accessing.
Thank you in advance.


Hi @Sri
Sorry for the delayed response. But good news is that I have reproduced your issue on version R03A05. After talking to our devs, it’s actually a bug in the R03A05 SDK. Are you able to reach out to your supplier and get the old R03A04 or newer R03A06 and try again?