Modules using Beacon technology or good for get indoor position

Dear Quectel Forums,

Can you recommend the module that is good for locating indoors or a module that uses Beacon technology to send and receive location information which is the indoor system?
If you have, please give me the information and provide me about how can I do it? What commands do I use to get location information?

Thanks & Best Regards,

Hi @Thapnarin
Do you need a professional GNSS module or a communication module with positioning function.

I’m not sure, can you advise me? The main priority is to be able to transmit location information. Inside the building, it is an indoor system, which is a data transmission between each other within the building.
However, for me communication module or wifi & bluetooth module is interesting. Since the beacon technology uses BLE to get the position in the building. But that’s only part of my opinion. which if you have a GNSS module that can be used good in indoor system, you can advise me too.