MC60 with mpu6050 (i2C) communication

I’m interfacing MC60 with MPU6050 (I2c) . I have the problem on data read from sensor. I am using SCL -PINNAME-RI, SDA - PINNAME-DCD,
q1-iic-write-Read() …in this function not working… Pls give any suggestions

Dear Raisaa,
Thanks for your inquiry in Quectel forums.
Please click the following link to download the OPENCPU user guide document, which will guide you how to develop it. And for your issue about IIC, please check the chapter 5.7.6 to get the answer. Thanks!

Thank you for your suggestion

Shift left I2C slave address to be 8 bits

   u8 buffer[1],localAddr;
   s32 ret;


Adafruit_SSD1306 display;
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x78 / 7-bit address is 0x3C /

mpu6050 address -----> 0x68<<1 = 0xD0 left shift done.
thank you sir

Thanks for your sharing.

Thank you…now i’m clear about this communication

I have problem with i2c too .I underestand that mc60 i2c has a problem .I connect the analog descovery2 to SDA and SCL and get the below result:
send from mc60E : ret = Ql_IIC_Write(1, 0x1D, write_buffer,4);
recive from analogdescovery2: Start, h1C [ h0E | WR ] NAK, Stop

send from mc60E : ret = Ql_IIC_Read(1, 0x1D, write_buffer, 6);
recive from analogdescovery2: Start, h1D [ h0E | RD ] NAK, Stop
My i2c adress in program is seting to 0x1D for ADXL345.
and no need to pull up resistor.
I don’t know that I do :frowning:

Hi wiz io
Could you please tell me how connect your oled to module?? I want connect my lcd to my m66 board and I don’t know i need a level shifter or just need pull up res…
Supply of my lcd is 3.3v
Thank you

I test without level converters… and work @3.3v

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actually, I faced to this problem too, and i found out this problem cause. but, I do not know how to resolve this problem. please help me.
in SDK I found this text in iic_write function description: “if IICtype=1 ,1<len<8 . because our IIC contronller at most support 8 bytes for one time transaction”
this shows us that we cant send or receive more than 8 bytes in one step. on the other hand we need send burst more than 8 bytes to work with DMP. how i can resolve this problem. please help me.

I connected a device to the module but I do not have slave address.
Where should I find the slave address?