Hi, when I work on project with MC60 I get information, that is possible use GNSS part and don’t use all GSM part (only uart for communication) in all-in-one mode. I try to find solution/command to do that, but I couldn’t find it. Devices will works where GSM signal is weak, and device will use GNSS without GSM part use many times. Current consumption is very important. Could You help me ? Thanks.
Have you tried using AT+CFUN=4
to turn off the radios?
I’m not sure whether that leaves stand-alone GNSS operational. I suspect AT+CFUN=0
would shut that off too.
Hi, AT+CFUN was checked, I try to find other options (with less current consumption).
Did you find any solution to your problem?
Hi, no and I think there is no any other solution with all-in-one configuration, but If Your program will be “smart” - device will used less energy.
what do you mean by “smart”?
can i cut off the gsm power supply But does the mc60 core and i/o still work??
Hi,you can use AT+CFUN=0, turn off the network part, and validate your ideas by using i/o