MC60 - send any data to web browser - simple as soon as possible

Hi, I have project with MC60. Program was written for Microchip mcu, this program is finished. I need send some 512 table data to for example web browser to presents, that GPRS works and data which are send by device to browser are good. That is possible to do that without make special script to receive data and without use any server ? I need only watch this data in browser, I don’t want save this data. Thanks for any help.

Hi,According to my understanding, the browser is built based on the server. Our module can connect to the server through the url address. If the browser you connect supports the display of the received data, then this function can be realized

Hi, thanks for information. I have one question about send data by POST mode. MC60 has set 115200 uart speed. I use that speed because it is ok for GNSS part (NMEA). When I connect to server with POST could I send by uart for example 400kB data to server when for example GPRS connection give 56kbps ? MC60 has some output data buffer in this case ? Is this body_size parameter (29696 bytes) in AT+QHTTPPOST ? If yes, when I want send more than 29696 bytes in one connection I need use:

1 part data:


2 part data:


and the end connection:

