MC60 Reserved Pins

Im using MC60 module with open cpu.
in the SDK we have GPIO0-4 pins that can be configured as GPIO but there is not any pins with this names in Hardware Design.
Can you give me a lot of information about that pins?
Which pin numbers are them?
and can be used for another function like pwm , …?

  1. In MC60 module, GPIO0-4 is defined as 57, 58, 63, 64, and 65 pins. These pins are placed at the bottom of the chip and may need to be wired out from the inside of the PCB board if they are to be used

  2. The DC characteristics of pins are attached in the diagram. These pins can be configured freely. For example, if you want PWM function, you can write a function to control the output of pins


BTW: where is connected pins 55, 56, 66, 67, 68 to Mediatek GPIO ?

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i’m useing mc60 Module with open cpu.
and i have different board has mc60.
in one mc60 gpio pins work perfectly.(gpio 0_4)
but the other gpio is not working and when i put simcard is work weirdly.
in this file Quectel_MC60_Hardware_Design_V1.3
this pin are reserved.

but in Quectel_MC60-OpenCPU_Series_Hardware_Design_V2.0 this file
this pin are gpio 0_4

How do I know؟
Which hardware_design is for Which mc60?

As the firmware version is updated, our documentation is also updated. You need to ensure that the documentation version follows the current firmware version

Sorry, I am not quite clear about your problem. The line “pin” has already clarified the pin pin of this gpio on MTK chip


Mediatek column … ( in red ) -1 mean: I not have information for this Mediatek-GPIO
This is used for fast access to pin

Remarked column (in red) is module pin number

i can change firmware right??
but I had bought mc60 two years ago!!!
Could it be because of this?

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Hi, No because these pins are not open as configurable GPIos in the sdk

  • You are a good man!

I asked - how are they connected.
I can config them myself … never mind