Hi all here at quectel support. Im trying to get started with a MC60 and with a working tested in phone SIM from Telecom Personal Argentina, I cant make it works. It seems almost ok but I can not get register.
perhaps I could try to reflash tt? where I can get qflas and a firmware for this MC60 ?
some AT responses:
[00:23:33:227] AT+GMI␍␍␊
[00:23:33:227] Quectel_Ltd␍␊
[00:23:33:227] Quectel_MC60␍␊
[00:23:33:245] Revision: MTK 0828␍␊
[00:23:33:245] ␍␊
[00:23:33:245] OK␍␊
[00:23:35:010] ␍␊
[00:23:35:010] Call Ready␍␊
[00:23:36:016] ␍␊
[00:23:36:016] SMS Ready␍␊
[00:27:25:373] AT+CGMR␍␍␊
[00:27:25:373] Revision: MC60CAR01A13␍␊
[00:30:12:271] AT+COPN␍␍␊
[00:30:12:318] +COPN: “41201”, "AWCC"␍␊
[00:30:12:365] ␍␊
[00:30:12:365] +COPN: “41220”, "ROSHAN"␍␊
[00:30:12:409] ␍␊
[00:30:12:409] +COPN: “41240”, "MTN Afghanistan"␍␊
[00:30:12:456] ␍␊
[00:30:12:456] +COPN: “41250”, "Etisalat Afghanistan"␍␊
[00:30:12:503] ␍␊
[00:30:12:503] +COPN: “27601”, "A M C MOBIL"␍␊
[00:30:12:554] ␍␊
[00:30:12:554] +COPN: “27602”, "Vodafone"␍␊
etc a long list
[00:34:04:325] AT+COPS=?␍␍␊
[00:34:06:780] Call Ready␍␊
[00:34:07:795] ␍␊
[00:34:07:795] SMS Ready␍␊
[00:34:27:848] ␍␊
[00:34:27:848] +COPS: (1,“72234”,“72234”,“72234”),(1,“72207”,“72207”,“72207”),(1,“CLARO ARGENTINA”,“CLARO AR”,“722310”),(0-4),(0-2)␍␊
[00:37:29:273] AT+CREG?␍␍␊
[00:37:29:273] +CREG: 0,0␍␊
[00:37:29:273] ␍␊
[00:37:29:273] OK␍␊
[00:37:30:052] ␍␊
[00:37:30:052] +CFUN: 1␍␊
[00:37:30:440] ␍␊
[00:37:30:440] +CPIN: READY␍␊
[00:37:32:987] ␍␊
[00:37:32:987] Call Ready␍␊
[00:37:33:998] ␍␊
[00:37:33:998] SMS Ready␍␊
[00:38:24:067] AT+COPS?␍␍␊
[00:38:24:067] +COPS: 0␍␊
[00:38:24:067] ␍␊
[00:38:24:067] OK␍␊
[00:38:24:840] ␍␊
[00:38:24:840] SMS Ready␍␊