MC60 only respond to ATI

Hello, i have MC60ECB-04-BLE with the MC60CAR01A15 firmware and i am using a 2.5V uart programmer connected to RX1 and TX1 my issues is that it only respond to ATI command and nothing else it doesnt even give me AT OK.

[2024-03-23 02:10:18:563_S:] AT
[2024-03-23 02:10:18:563_R:] AT

[2024-03-23 02:10:22:779_S:] ATI
[2024-03-23 02:10:22:795_R:] ATI

[2024-03-23 02:10:22:795_R:] Quectel_Ltd
[2024-03-23 02:10:22:795_R:] Quectel_MC60
[2024-03-23 02:10:22:810_R:] Revision: MC60CAR01A15

[2024-03-23 02:10:22:810_R:] OK

any possible issues here?
Thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

The Mc60ecb-04-ble hardware cannot run the firmware of the MC60CAR01A15 because the MC60ECB hardware has ble and the MC60CA does not have ble

Can you please send me the latest firmware for this module?

Thank you

can you please send me the latest firmwar for this version?

i also need the more recent SDK if that not the MC60E_OpenCPU_GS3_SDK_V1.8

You’re holding the latest sdk.

Hello, but i still need the firmware for MC60ECB-04-BLE i dont have that i only have MC60CA

I’ll email it to you

as i replied to the email i flashed the firmware and i have the exact same issue it only responds to ATI command and no other
Thank you

hello vincent,
i am attacing bellow the issues i am facing with my module i flashed the most recent firmware and as you can see it only responds to ATI command and nothing else.