MC60 - how turn on module without full functionality - all in one solution and I want GNSS part only

Hi, I have a problem with MC60 - in more cases, I need use only GNSS part from MC60. When I turn on module (all-in-one) always module want to connect to network, but I don’t want that. After turn on module, I want use only GNSS part. I send AT+CFUN =4, but before that module had registered to the network and for example SMS was recveved, where I don’t want that any information from GSM network could be received. What I can do, that every time when I want module start without active RF part ? Thanks for any help :).

Setting up “CFUN4” is a good idea, maybe you can try to unplug the sim card, or unplug the rf antenna, gsm and gnss have one antenna, you only need to keep the gnss can, other than, there is no good solution for the moment.

Hi, I can’t remove simcard or gsm antenna - these parts need to be installed all time, because I want use GSM part, but not when I need use GPS. Project will be changed and I’ll make “stand alone” mode. Besides if gsm antenna is not connected module could get damaged, when it try to connecy to gsm network Thanks for help.