MC60 flashing GPIO example

i am using the Mikroe MC60(MIkroe gsm/gnss) board and the problem i am facing is that after i flash the example from the SDK V1.7 with the QFlashV4.8 and gives me succees message that have been flashed succesfully the device doesnt seem to run the new code.
i am testing the gpio example and after flashing the app without any errors i restart the module but there is no affect on the board.

i have updated the firmware version to MC60CAR01A12 and validated that have been succesfully updated from qcom with the command ATI

If anyone facing the same problem and solved it please let me know.


Quectel_OpenCPU_Quick_Start_Application_Note_V1.1.pdf (716.1 KB)
Quectel_MC60-OpenCPU_Series_User_Guide_V2.0.pdf (1.2 MB)

Please refer to the operation. Thank you.