MC60 Fail to Firmware upgrade

Thanks for replying…

Here share the result have I tried.

I getting these types of Errors in frequently .

"FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)"

I am follow the below forum link for firmware downloading [ MC60 -> MC60CAR01A13 ].
[ MC60 AT+QGNSSRD? returns +CME ERROR: Operation failed ]

Hardware side :

I connected circuit like the below hardware connection for Main UART port.

Put a divider with 1k,5.6k in the rxd line and txd line is having 1k in series.

Though there is a voltage divider, voltage observed in rxd pin is 3.3v.

Software Side :

My system manager settings

QFlash 4.19 does getting this Errors.

  1. Error “FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)”

  2. Error “FAIL, ERR_2004_S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL-(0x001660C8)”

I don’t know the where am mistaking.

Please, help me in resolving the firmware upgrade.