MC60 Fail to Firmware upgrade

Hi Team,

I am trying to update the firmware of module MC60 (Revision: MC60CAR01A13)

“FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)”

I am using QFlash 4.19 and use a FDTI <-> Serial adapter connected to the main UART of the module.

How should I proceed to complete the upgrade successfully?

Hi Riswan:

Select main uart port as the COM Port;
The Baudrate: Select 460800;
Then click Load FW Files and select .cfg file:
Then click Start to updrade.

Thanks for replying…

Here share the result have I tried.

I getting these types of Errors in frequently .

"FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)"

I am follow the below forum link for firmware downloading [ MC60 -> MC60CAR01A13 ].
[ MC60 AT+QGNSSRD? returns +CME ERROR: Operation failed ]

Hardware side :

I connected circuit like the below hardware connection for Main UART port.

Put a divider with 1k,5.6k in the rxd line and txd line is having 1k in series.

Though there is a voltage divider, voltage observed in rxd pin is 3.3v.

Software Side :

My system manager settings

QFlash 4.19 does getting this Errors.

  1. Error “FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)”

  2. Error “FAIL, ERR_2004_S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL-(0x001660C8)”

I don’t know the where am mistaking.

Please, help me in resolving the firmware upgrade.

Hi Riswan:
Please keep S101 and S102 to ON state:

After click START,please restart the module.

Hi Winnie,

I am using custom development board of MC60 Module.

On that,
GNSS_VCC - > 3.3V
VBAT - > 4V
Which is always ON state from the DC regulated power supply.

In that we connected the one tactical switch to the the PWRKEY of the MC60 which connected to the GND.

Its show the 3.2V in that pin, when I click STRAT then Restart the module that pin was getting 0V.

Also connected the,


Please, guide me…

@Tanveer Could you help on this issue?Thank you in advance.


I am getting PASS the Q_Flash tool for 1.cfg file.

File location :
[MC60\MC60\05 Tools\QFlash_V4.19_EN\QFlash_V4.19\Release\dl_src\MC60 \1.cfg]

But, I try to this one [MC60\MC60CAR01A13\ QUECTEL03D_M2M_11C_BB.cfg ].

Same issues occurs in the Q_Flash tool.

" FAIL, ERR_4008_S_FT_DOWNLOAD_FAIL-(0x001660C8)"

" FAIL, ERR_2004_S_BROM_DOWNLOAD_DA_FAIL-(0x001660C8)"

Please, any one help…

Please check with your module supplier whether your module model supports this firmware version upgrade.

Thanks you Isaac ,Tanveer and Winnie.

Thanks for all you support.

I discussed the about this issue to the technical team support.

They said,
The boot loader may be corrupt so, better try to other module.

I don’t know why its happed. so, I have to plan the purchase new one.

Thanks guys,