MC60 crashing when using Ql_SecureData_Store

Dear Support,

currently I am trying to store data persisent on the MC60 module using the Ql_SecureData_Store function
When using the function with index 13 as parameter for the desired storage block, the module crashes.
The function returns QL_RETURN_OK and shortly after (ca some msec) the module crashes and restarts. The result is not depending on the amount of data I want to store, even if the amount of Bytes to be written is 1, there follows a crash. When digging into the code, I saw that the function uses the AT+QUSERDAT AT command, but in the AT Command documentation I coulnt find any information about that command.
storing data in another block is successfull, but i need to use Block 13, as I need the 500 Byte storage space.
What can I do to prevent the module from crashing?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

Dear B2K,
Thanks for your inquiry in Quectel forums.
For your issue, it is better to provide the related information about the issue, like the firmware version of the module, the SDK version. The firmware version should match with the SDK version. Please check the following explanation about the Ql_SecureData_Store. Thanks!


Hello Kyson,
thanks for your answer.
The SDK Version is OpenCPU_GS3_SDK_V1.7,
the Firmware Version is MC60CAR01A12

I already had the information about the Ql_SecureData_Store function, it’s returning QL_RET_OK, but the module crashes anyway

Can you provide further help with the information about sdk and firmware version?
Thanks and regards.

Dear B2K,
Please help to provide the debug log, then we can help to chekc the reason. Thanks!
By the way, we will use the same firmware to test it in our side. Thanks!