MC60-CB latest firmware

I’m using MC60CB-04-std module and I wanna upgrade the firmware. How can I find the latest firmware file?

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Hi,I will send you a private email, please download within seven days


I’m using MC60CB-04-std module and I wanna upgrade the firmware. Please send to me. thank you

Hello Sir ,
I am also using MC60 CB-04- STD Version please provide latest Frimware for mc60 ,please share to my mail id :

Could you please provide me a link for download latest MC60CB-04-STD version ?

Can you please provide latest Core for MC60-CB-04-STD.
Also I am looking for Latest SDK & GCC Compiler.
I am still facing Restart Issue of MC60. We have checked all Power supply circuit and other related parameters. Whenever MC60 tries to register on Network, Module gets restart. It is not happening continuously. It happens randomly.
Please help us to resolve. If starts restarting then it will last long for 1hr to 2-3 days.
If we put module in Aeroplane mode (AT+cfun=4 (Mobile transmitter and Mobile receiver switchoff) – Airplane mode on)then restart stops. Again when we put in normal mode (CFUN=1) it starts restart condition again.