M95 issue with connecting with network

Hello! I using Quectel M95 and 1nce sim card, when I want to connect modem with network, modem turn off. When I send to modem AT+CREG or AT+CGREG I get reply with 0,2 value. I try with other sim cards, other antennas and supply modem from 5A labolatory power supply but I still can’t connect with network. What I can supose to do?

  1. if the return value of AT+creg is “ 0,2 ”,it mean that the module can not register network succesfully still 。
    pls send the below at cmd to get more detail:
    1> AT+COPS
    2> AT+CSQ
    3> AT+QPIN
    4> AT+QBAND


  1. may I know ,what is :“turn off” , the moudle will shutdown immediately ,wont you?

normally , the reason of abnormal shutdown is caused by HW issue , pls check hw first .

1 > COPS: 0
2 > CSQ: 99.99
3 > In M95 “QPIN” command don’t exist, I used CPIN command and got +CPIN: READY

The modem automatically turns off after some time, I could think that it is the hardware fault, but when I used the M95 modem module from an external company, the same situation occurred. It was only after a dozen or so switching on and off of the modem that it was connected to the network.

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@Stephen.Li-Q please reply me

Hello! I am also facing an issue with Quectel M95, when I want to connect the modem with the network, modem power down occur but in some modules, no issue was found? f file using in flash is M95FAR03A04.

Hello, I found solution, please send me your connection schema, I will send You about wrong connection

Please send me the same link for connection with network issue. It would be a life saver.info@handyharry.co.za