Hello, I’m a student in Vocational training certificate of computer science in France, I am working on a project for school, for a part of my project, i use an M95 module with a Raspberry Pi 3, i need to use AT commands with the module to send messages and also to connect to a MQTT server, i already talk with a person of the support by e-mail two weeks ago ( 26 april ) because i needed an more recent firmware verion for the M95a module which i used before, my professor tried to flash the module (M95a) with the firmware version that you send me, but it didn’t work ( Qflash displayed an error message saying that the module cannot be flashed/upgraded ) so he found an M95fa-03std module and he tried with this one and this time it worked, i send an email to the support today with the same explaination and they told me to post my question details here.
The problem is when i launch one of my program to send an sms with AT commands, i use mobaXterm to connect to the Raspberry remotly with ssh, so when i launch my program i have the cms error 603 that appear in my terminal window ( i use minicom which is a terminal emulator for raspberry to see the response of the AT commands that i use in my program ), i search in the Quectel_M95_AT_Commands_Manual_V3.2 but i didn’t find the cms error 603", in this documentation there is an cme error with this code ( “cme 603” ) but no cms error with this code, i already succed to send an sms last friday and i don’t modiify anything particulary, but i stil have this error and also the cme error 3.
Bellow, there is my program ( in python ) :
#Importation des librairies série et gestion du temps #
import serial
import time
#_______ Initialisation de la liaison UART ______#
ser=serial.Serial("/dev/ttyAMA0", baudrate=115200)
#______________ Choix du mode texte _____________#
#___________ Paramétrage du mode texte __________#
#___________ Sélection du destinataire __________#
#___________________ Message ____________________#
ser.write(‘Test envoi SMS Raspberry\r’.encode(‘ascii’))
Bellow there is the response of the AT commands that i use in my program ( in minicom ):
Revision: M95FAR02A08
*>Test envoi SMS Raspberry
CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.8 | VT102 | Offline | ttyAMA0
if you wonder how i did my tests, there is an screenshot bellow where you can see it :
Do you know what are these errors, what can cause it and how i can solve these errors ?
I am at your disposition for any other information that you might want to have
Thanks in advance