M66 Store and play .wav audio file during call

I have m66 2g module im trying upload .wav file to ufs …i used AT File System commands(AT+QFUPL) .it have only file name how the commands will know the path of audio file(audio file located at D drive)

Actually that file system commads not working.

As per audio player application they mentioned two tools

Can you guys please provide me this tools …it would helpful for me.

You can use Qcom tool to upload the audio file,please download tool from the link below:
You can click “Select File” to select your audio file,then send AT+QFUPL,after return connect,you can click “Send File” to send the audio file.

Thank you so much Winnie . now i am able to store audio file into UFS.

You’re welcome.I’m glad to hear that your issue has been solved. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello, How can I specify the directory into which specific files are to be uploaded?
I have some audio files converted into .amr format and then to .c using quectel’s AudioFile_Converter tool given in Opencpu SDK V2.4
I am currently including the .c files into the custom folder so they get compiled along with the main application.
Is there any way to load them into different directories using QCOM tool?

excuse me, i cant find genbinfile & Firmware_Upgrade_Tool_Lite_GS2_V1.2, please send those for me
Email: s_alma30@yahoo.com
thx so much

Hi Sasikanth, I need to store audio file on m66, but module give me time out error, what is you module frameware?

Hi Winnie.Xi-Q I need to store audio file in M66 ufs. my module exact part number is M66FB-04-std, I trying with QCOMM and AT+QFUPL. but module always respond with time out error. could you please help me?

Hi Winnie.Xi-Q I need to store audio file in M66 ufs. my module exact part number is M66FB-04-std, I trying with QCOMM and AT+QFUPL. but module always respond with time out error. could you please help me?

When you send the AT+QFUPL command, wait for the module to return “CONNECT” and then use qcom’s send file feature to send the file to the module.
