M66 .json firebase request

Hi IoT fellows, I’m new to GSM. I’m trying to connect to internet. I want to get and set data on firebase.

I used the AT commands manuel to request a website. I can get the google

How ever I can’t get this https://xxxxx-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app/.json

Here is the commands I used.
AT+QICSGP=1,“internet”//i cant use CMNET
https://www.google.com/ //I send the link this can be firebase link

This works perfectly.
When I change the link to firebase link that I shared on top. I can’t get the data.
I get +CME ERROR: 3822

I tried AT+QHTTPCFG=“content-Type”,“application/json” command.

Any help would be appriciated fully.

This is usually the case when you enter the wrong URL, I suggest you can change it to the ip domain name + port number

When I tried that with remote address like [https://xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443] I get Invalid firebase request. And from the m66 I get CME ERROR: 3822