I am trying to use LTE/GNSS EG25 with Android 12 (on Radxa device). I could not find RIL drivers on the website. Where can I get them? Thank you!
I have put the Quectel RIL here. You can try the IRadio 1.5 on Android12.
Hi, Bean
Thank you so much for cooperation! with the best regards
Hi, Bean
I am investigating some issues related with LTE and GNNS. I have found that you shared libril.so also for EG25. But here (LTE EG25-G driver's for Android - #2 by Bean.Wang-Q) i didn’t found it. I see only libreference-ril.so. Could you plz explain: what is the lib?
It depends on whether you want to set the IRadio to 1.4 and later.
GitHub - QuectelWB/Quectel_RIL at IRadio1.5
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