LTE EG25-G Android RIL Driver

I am trying to use LTE EG25 with Android 12. I could not find RIL drivers on the website. Where can I get them?

Relevant drivers have been sent to you, please check.

I received the driver
Thank you very much

@tabor.tang-Q upon inspection of the shared files I noticed that from the list of 5 files mentioned in the documentation only 1 is included. Can you please share complete set?

  • ip-up (missing)
  • ip-down (missing)
  • chat (missing)
  • (included)
  • (missing)

only 1 is inl

I have answered in the email.

Could you tell me what the Android version is?

i need it too
can someone help me
i have and android-car sistem version 12 and a EG25GGBR07A08M2G board with pcie/usb c dongle


Please I’m trying to get the module EG25-G working on a RK3568. All seems to be ok, you can see the log here

When executing getprop | grep ril it give me some results:
[]: [running]
[]: [running]
[]: [344]
[]: [384]
[ril.function.dataonly]: [1]
[ro.boot.noril]: [false]
[]: [8657120667]
[]: [9261697311]
[]: [112,911]

but, when doing with gsm no results. I think the problem is related to the driver files like these:


but I don’t have it… can you help me please… many days with that without result.


I cannot access the log.
You could send the Android Log via email.