Looking for EM06-E USB driver for Windows 10 IoT ARM64

For EM06-E, MBIM have better performance than RNDIS.

As I mentioned, just for test, you can test it in RNDIS mode.
And the AT port cannot be used later.

How to set it back to MBIM
Connect the modem with the Linux machine and set it with


Thanks for reply.

After type in AT+QCFG=“usbnet”,3 the terminal return “ERROR” in Win10. Also same error return in linux based system.

Can you helps me to resolve this to set RNDIS mode?


It seems like a Chinese quotation marks

But set to MBIM is OK. So i think the marks is fine.

If so, it means that it do not support the RNDIS mode.

As you say, I need another Windows driver to make win10 arm64 support RNDIS. Can you helps to request it ? Deeply appreciate!


I mean that the modem Quectel EM06-E do not support RNDIS. The RNDIS and MBIM driver is not provided by Quectel. It is built in the Windows OS itself.

Thank you for your detailed explanation. That is helpful.

  1. Currently, seems like EM06-E with MBIM mode is unstable in our target platform(Win10 IoT on Arm64 ). Can Quectel help confirm this issue or even fix it?

ps. I attached the mp4 file about EM06-E disconnect.

  1. EM06-E is not our only option. If others Quectel LTE module with M.2 B key & USB interface you suggest for our platform, please let me know.

EM06-E.7z (79.0 MB)

Hi James,

MBIM driver is the native driver of the Microsoft Windows. I don’t think it is because of the driver I sent. You can remove the driver I sent and the Mobile network should be still there.
I am not quite familar with Windows, there should be somewhere that can tell us such as the evenreport.
You can pull out the C:\Windows\INF\setupapi*.log.
EM06-E is a kind of cat 6 LTE-A celluar Modem. There are many kinds of Quectel modem I will send you the Quectel product overview.