Linux Console of BG96

I am writing regarding the BG96 Quectel(SN=MPA19B105006270, IMEI=868446031130616,IC:10224A-201709BG96, BG96MA-128-SGN), module. I have successfully powered on the module in the normal mode and the UART1 is now operating successfully (The QNavigator is working as it can detect the IC and the firmware built number). However, the UART2 (Debug Mode) is not working. I try to listen to the Debug Port by Putty( Buadrate=1152000, Databits=8,Stop bit=0, Stop bits=1, Parity=None, Flow Control=None) expecting the Linux console pops up, but nothing happens. I would be thankful if anybody can help me.

BG96 / 95 / 77 is not Linux module …is a ThreadX…

Linux modules is EC2x

@WizIO. Thanks. I haven’t try on BG96 and ThreadX. I’ll try it later.
And any debug log will output from Debug port?

no idea for Debug tool - ask Quectel
for ThreadX application I use “printf” as uart debug