LG69T(AP) - how to enable Beidou

My LG69T(AP) shows only GPS and Galileo satellites in the NMEA output and also in the RTCM3 output messages (type=1077 MSM7 GPS and type=1097 MSM7 GAL).
What configuration message should be sent for enabling Beidou ?
LG69T(AA) documentation includes RTCM commands for switching the GNSS constellation scenarios,
but they have no visible effect on my LG69T(AP).

Dear Sir

LG69TAP enable GPS+GAlileo+BEIDOU by default, no configuration is required. The LG69TAA document and LG69TAP are not common, please refer to their respective protocol documents.

  1. Please provide the module firmware version (the output will be output after power on).
  2. The currently obtained RTCM output sentence is output from which serial port of the module.

Best Regards

The poweron message is as follows:


I can’t access the TeseoV chipset with TeseoSuite because it’s hidden behind the MCU,
so it seems that reflashing the firmware is the only option.

Dear Sir

This firmware turns on beidou by default. Does NMEA sentence output GBGSV?

Best Regards

No, the NMEA $GBGSV messages are not provided in the output, only $GPGSV and $GAGSV.
If TeseoV outputs only the GPS and Galileo MSM7 messages (which i can see with the TeseoSuite on UART2),
the MCU can’t generate the $GBGSV messages.

Dear Sir

That’s weird. The screenshot above is also the firmware LG69TAMNR01A01_LWM_QX.
I email this firmware to you, please re-upgrade and test again.

Best Regards

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I have reflashed the STA firmware and the problem is gone, all Beidou satellites are visible now.