LG69T-AP/AM/AS and USB controller pins

LG69T-AP/AM/AS modules use an external dual UART1/UART2 USB adapter to access the internal STM32H743 MCU and it works very well. My old LG69T-AP EVK board has microUSB connector connected to the LG69T-AP USB pins 38 (VBUS), 39 (USB_DM) and 40 (USB_DP). Are the module pins 39 and 40 connected internally to STM32H743 pins PA11 and PA12 ?

Hi Helg,

Pin 38, pin 39, and pin40 on LG69TAP is reserved. What feature would you like to use on your application?

Best regards.

Hi Raphael,
i want to use the virtual serial ports directly on USB host instead of external dual USB-serial (CP2105 or FTDI). It reduces BOM, place on the PCB, power consumption and is pin-compatible with U-Blox F9.
Such solution may though increase the power comsumption (and dissipation) of the LG69T module itself and require more effective cooling. I guess there was a reason Quectel declared these pins ‘Reserved’ in the more recent products.

Hi Helg,

Currently LG69TAP doesn’t support USB pin. The pins are reserved because USB function is not developed. This is an optional design on LG69TAP EVB for your reference.

Best regards.

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