LG290P v0104 Firmware

It looks like the LG290P v0104 firmware has been released by Quectel. Lots of quality of life improvements (like being able to manage serial ports and message rates between ports!) but also raw binary output of BDS PPPB2B, QZSSL6, and Galileo HASE6!

Could I please get a copy of the firmware and the updated Protocol Specification? Thanks!

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Oh this is exciting! I’m also very interested in a copy of the firmware with the updated protocol spec.


I’m interested as well on getting it. Can I have a copy as well?

I´m interested as well. please send me the link

I would like the updated Protocol Specification as well.

Galileo HAS E6 don’t seem to be working as expected. I need to verify by using the raw output but i don’t know how to enable the output without the updated protocol.

The QGC raw data are just a prelude to the preparation of the PPP algorithm which will have to analyze the corrections and make a positioning solution.
Seems that each brand spit out its own has_raw data , it would have been better to maintain a universal iso format (rtcm)…
The hope is that they can accomplish the task on this module without modifying the hardware. [LG290P-HX]


I would also like the new lg290p firmware and manual as well, please.

Thank you.

I would also like the new firmware.

I sent the software and documents to everyone, please check