Is there a rover configuration application manual for the LG290P?
From what I’ve seen, the RTK application note only covers retrieving data via the server, but doesn’t explain how to configure the module itself.
Also, is there a separate application note for the Rover? I plan to modify values based on the GNSS protocol specification and BaseStation appnote, but if it doesn’t work on the first try, I might be at an impasse without proper documentation.
I assume you are talking about this rtk application note:
I followed it and was able to get the module to lock to rtk fixed. It need the correct antenna and a very good view of the sky to switch to rtk fixed, though.
I don’t think you actually need to configure the module to work as a rtk rover, at least I didn’t. I have it working with the the qgnss program and with ardurover and ardurover doesn’t know anything about the lg290p so it can’t configure it. It works as long as you feed it the correct correction stream.
My issue was I wasn’t giving it the correct rtcm data. I need to get an msm4 data stream to get rtk fix. I was initially giving it a rtcm 3.1 correction and it didn’t work. Once I switched to rtcm-msm4, it just worked and I got rtk fix.
I admit I don’t understand the differences between the rtcm streams. I also have access to an msm5 stream from my provider, so I might give that a shot next. Google says msm5 should be more precise than msm4, but I don’t know enough to tell if that is true. Right now, as long as I get rtk fixed, I’m happy.
Goog luck.
I eventually fo
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By default, the LG290P boots into rover mode and is ready to receive corrections unless it has already been explicitly put into base station mode. To switch it back to rover mode, send $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,1*
then save and reboot the unit.
@lawnsweeper SNIP has really good documentation on RTCM and MSM. I have this page bookmarked for a quick reference: https://www.use-snip.com/kb/knowledge-base/an-rtcm-message-cheat-sheet/
The section “Multiple Signal Messages (MSM) Message Types” contains the information you’re looking for, I think, with descriptions of MSM3-4-5-6-7. My understanding is that, basically, bigger number = more better.
The LG290P RTK Application Note lists the MSM messages that it supports as inputs, but nothing about configuration needed for these messages. I believe that they are backwards compatible in that you can send an MSM3 message to an interface expecting MSM7, but you can’t send an MSM7 to an interface expecting MSM3. That is to say, you don’t need to tell the module what kind of MSM to listen for - just send compliant messages that are MSM3 or newer and it will apply the corrections automatically.
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After making the correct connections and selecting the appropriate RTCM messages, everything is working as expected. However, I’ve noticed that it sometimes takes up to 10 minutes to lock onto a signal—I’m not sure why.
By the way, is there any way to disable NMEA messages? From what I understand, the GNSS protocol doesn’t allow for complete disabling, but I wanted to check if there’s a workaround.
But can I get only position info each second, or i will receive all data at this time config ?
Other modules has mask for commands send. this one looks to be masking types of satellites used.
is in GGA (or RMC) sentence, so U can disable all other nmea,“one at a time”, by rate (0) with PQTMCFGMSGRATE
note: nmea messages vary depending on fw version.