LG290P - RTCM7 issue

Hi, there,
I have issue with RTCM7 reception. When I set the LG290P to rover mode:

then send:

several RTCM7 messages are received and reception stops. RTCM messages are visible in QConsole, but there is no RTK fix.
My second device with a U-Blox ZED F9P is successfully receiving all RTCM messages from the same NTRIP caster.
Is this a firmware issue? My firmware version is LG290P03AANR01A03S, 2024/05/22, 18:09:06.
Thank you for your suggestions.

Hi Ladislav, reset module to default an restart, Imho You do not need to set rtcm output…
Module will receive correction in rtcm msm7 automatically in rover mode.
