Hi. I’m writing to you again about getting an assist on solving a problem with GPS.
When motion happens, the GPS’s led is off and can not receive signal. But when there is no motion, yes the gps works correctly and its led is on. We get GPS data using STM32L4 and send data using BG95M3 GSM module over HTTP. If there’s no movement everything is better. Separately gps works correctly when motion exist, but when gsm module is connected then gps can not receive signal and its led is off.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Minaye_Kerimova,
I have 3 questions below:
- Does LC86L receive no signal statically when BG95 working?
- On your PCB design, did you place celluar antenna and GNSS antenna(integrated antenna on the LC86L) as far apart as possible?
- Is GPS’s led a 1PPS indicator? If so, the led no twinkling indicates that position lost. Because LC86L 1PPS default setting is output after first fix.
Best regards.
1 Like
Great thanks for response.
1.LC86L receives signal statically when BG95 works.
2.The distance is 1 cm.
3.Yes, it is.
I wanna say something else,
Gps was working at 9600 bps baud rate. But datasheet says it should be minimum 19200. It causes the problem?
Hi Minaye_Kerimova,
Probably not. Low baud rate would cause data stream stuck in the serial port, and host may receive incomplete data from GNSS module.
You can change baud rate by $PQBAUD($PQ commands are automatically saved in flash)
or by $PMTK251($PMTK commands are stored in RAM)
Best regards.
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Hi Raphael. Thanks. I got you.
I wanna know which mode my gps works as shown below.

Which command should I use? GNSS Protocol Documentation does not give such information.
I’m afraid GPS is in Standby or Backup mode, so it causes that problem.
How can I get information about which mode I use?
Hi Minaye_Kerimova,
LC86L works in continuous mode by default.
Entering standby mode by sending $PMTK161,0*28;
Entering backup mode(or periodic mode) by sending $PMTK225 or cutting off VCC;
I will send you latest documents via message.
Back to your original question. LC86L will not output NMEA message when it is not continuously working. I think maybe there is interruption from BG95.
Can you provide me LC86L NMEA log when GSM working?
Best regards.
1 Like
Thank you. I will try to get nmea log when gsm is working