LC76G No NMEA messages over I2C

I am using I2C to communicate with the module which seems to be fine for sending/receiving PAIR commands. However, the NMEA commands are very inconsistent. Do they only get sent when the module has some tracking? I have gotten a good lock before in this location with the module, but other times I get no NMEA messages at all.
Firmware: MODULE_LC76GPANR12A01S,2023/02/13,10:41:57

Hi Lucas_Holzen
I will send you the latest software and I2C application documentation via Message

Hello, I’m also using this module. Following the I2C Application Note V1.0, I found some implementation errors.
The first one happens if the communication was interrupted while the device was responding to address 0x54 or 0x58 and we abort the current transaction. If we follow the example code of the application note, the process will be stuck, because we always start by sending commands to address 0x50, but never receive the response. My workaround on this case is to try reading 1 byte using addresses 0x54 and 0x58. Doing this, the device ends the previous transaction and go back to responding to address 0x50.
Another thing that can happen is when we stop pooling for more NMEA messages for a while (more than 1 minute), then try to pool again. It will resume responding if we write anything to it.
One more thing that doesn’t work well: when we are sending something to the module, there’s a step where we must pool the remaining space at the module’s buffer. This remaining space starts at 4096 and go down at each write. If we follow the application note, when we send more than 4096 bytes at total, the device stops receiving any data. My workaround is to read the remaining space, compare with my data size. If its less than my data size, I split my data, doing 2 writes. The first write fills the remaing buffer, then the second write with my remaing data will be written correctly, because the remaining space will be reset to 4096 after the first part. This bug was annoying to find.

Hi Hagi
This is a hardware feature that has not been fixed in any version. I will send you the latest documentation for your reference.