LC29HEA - problem getting heading information from moving base and rover configuration


I am using two LC29HEA modules and connecting them to get one working as mobile base and other as rover according to the “quectel_lc29hea_moving_base_application_note_v1-0” document.

I am using NTRIP to inject the corrections in the moving base and I am able to get RTK precision (both fixed and float quality indicator).

The problem is that I am not able to get heading information.
The procedure I followed was:

  1. Connecting both modules according to the moving base application note document
  2. Sending the command “$PQTMCFGMSGRATE,W,PQTMTAR,1,109" to the rover module to enable “$PQTMTAR” messages. The modules answers with "$PQTMCFGMSGRATE,OK29” but it never outputs “PQTMTAR” messages on its NMEA output. Also, the NMEA output from the moving base does not have heading information.

Can someone help with this? Do I need to do anything else to make this work?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Hi andre.s.aguiar

  1. Please provide a log captured since the module was powered on.
  2. Please use the “$PQTMVERNO*58” command to check the version of the module and let me know
  3. Please take a picture of the connection diagram of the two LC29HEA modules, mark Base and Rover, and provide a connection diagram between Base and computer.